I’ve always adored ice sculptures
I guess it’s because they radiate power
Like at any given time they could turn to water
Made of liquid but so much stronger
And when you think they’re out of time,
They last a little longer
Keep that in mind, it’s your lucky night
I should probably handout a waiver, but there’s no time for you to sign
Are you ready for another journey? Let’s take another ride
Into my blessed and wretched ill mind.
Addicts are like ice sculptures, you see?
And if you don’t believe me, feel free to hop in my seat, and take a test drive in the life of a feign
Why not? You say you’re scared?
Oh, is it because you’re afraid you won’t be able to come back the same as you left, unimpaired?
You are smart, you must have heard the rumors
“Drugs are bad, stay away, they’ll either kill or ruin you”
It’s all true, they all will
Because once a human body finds an addiction
No matter what it is,
The gates around our souls open up wide, and Lucifer steps on in.
With that said, if you can get past the first act
We both know what I mean, shut up and quit repeating
“Well you wouldn’t have this problem if you never did that.”
Give me your attention, my point here is this:
Very few make it out of an addiction in a stable or good condition
Most of you reading this would never stand a chance
Relapses happen, rock bottom becomes a damn trampoline, gotta learn how to bounce back
Until you’re strong enough to grab ahold of sobriety, and hold on ever so tightly
By the time you get there, nobody will be left
The drugs change you, there’s no denying that
So look me in the eyes, tell me in all honesty that you believe you would be just fine
If you sampled a taste, by choice or God forbid – unknowingly
There’s a chance you could beat the high, but an even bigger possibility you would die tryin’
To all the recovering addicts facing any kind of addiction,
Sex, booze, drugs, or a life of crime commitin’
The decision to heal is yours for the choosing,
Take it from me, it won’t happen by just wanting to do it
You are an ice sculpture, any given day you can relapse
And melt back into water
Don’t fall for Satan’s trap, stand tall and solid
Radiate your power, and then outsmart him.
Always remember,
If you look for the good in the world, you will find it.
Yours Truly,