what cannot be said above all must not be silenced, but written.

jacques derrida




Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.

J.K. Rowling

You see that building, over there?
I bet the first thing you notice
Is how tall it is, towering over us
It’s a beautiful building, inside and out
Yet only when the building falls
Will you realize it’s true paramount 

When, and it will, tragedy happens
And the building crashes down to the ground
When the building is not whole, and the pieces are shattered
And every screw, bolt, and splinter rests in it’s ashes
Only when the building no longer stands,
Shall you truly understand 
This building for what it truly is, and not only by the image that it has been designed to give 

When, and it will, the building is restored
You will adore it so much more, I give you my word
You will know the building more than you ever did before 
It is the same, you see, for this heart of yours 

In your tragedy, that you cannot prevent 
You are the building, and you will crash
And it is only in the midst of rock bottom that you will smarten
And learn yourself, for both the good and bad 

Only in the reconstruction of your fragile soul
Will you finally know
Your worth, your paramount
This life is a battleground
And only in the darkest, dustiest corners of your mixed up soul
Will you find both the cobwebs and the gold
That make you whole.

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